Here are some of my favorite Christmas pictures. They aren't in any great order ~ just posted as I found them! 'Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas....snow and all! :)

The picture above is of the Thomas crew (Josh, Lauren and Jonathan and my kids Jake and Mackenzie) my sister Amy and her kids were still flying up from Sacramento on Christmas day....

Here we are as Santa's helpers waiting for the Nash crowd at the airport ...thankfully I was put on standby at work so I could be with the gang and see my sister and her kids....gotta love those girls on L&D!

Mackenzie and her new bike Christmas morning....notice how DARK it is outside.....the kids woke us up at 0600 am....nice.

The tree before Christmas morning....anxiously awaiting excited kiddos!

There was sooo much snow on our back was absolutely beautiful with the lights shining...

Christmas eve at Grandma and Grandpa Barnards....we usually go to the Christmas eve service but it was cancelled this year.....due to the was missed, but we had fun anyway!

Winter Wonderland of 2008!

We made "gingerbread~ or ~ Graham cracker " houses on night we were all shut in from the snow....making the house was fun but eating the house was even BETTER!!

This was the first snow man we made....we hurried to make this guy because we were sure the snow was going to melt soon....little did we know that we would have WEEKS to make more!
Great holiday pictures! Can you believe this snow? I love all of the smiles that you captured...including the one on Frosty.
Let's US celebrate Christmas together sometime. Screw the families. HAHAHA JUST KIDDING. (sort of)
Honestly, if we have snow again I'm moving. I'm just selling my house (which will only take about 2 years in this market) getting a new job (which will be another 2 years) and moving! So there.
I miss chit-chattin' it up at soccer. Hope to see ya this week!
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