Then he and Mackenize set out organizing their goods....I'm not sure of the purpose but maybe it means Jake is going to be an accountant some day...who knows?! Candy has been known to bring out the BEST in people!
What??!!!! What is this we find in our stash??? That evil DENTIST up the street snuck a TOOTHBRUSH & FLOSS in our bag of tooth decay?! What was he THINKING?????!!!!!

I'LL SHOW HIM WHO'S BOSS!! Ahhh Ahhh Ahhh Ahhhh! Says the green faced little girl who is embarking on the biggest sugar high she has ever had!
ma said makenzie looks just like you, especially with the green face. SO super dee duper cute......
Hi Katie, Todd, Jacob and Mackenzie,
I LOVE all your Christmas pictures! This is such a great way to feel connected! It looks like you have had a really wonderful Fall. The kids look so grown up and are so cute! Your house looks beautiful.
I sent you a Christmas card but, I used your old address! I don't think it will get forwarded to you. Anyway, I hope you have a healthy and happy New year!
We are going to Saulutlia Mexico January 24th - 31st for Eben's wedding and can hardly wait! Lauren, Phillip, Adam and Jacqueline are all going with us and Tracy has rented a house right on the beach. It should be so much fun.
We are all doing really well. We spent a lot of time together during the past few days and it is wonderful. The boys (Thomas and James) were really cute yesterday morning. James was very interested in tearing off the paper and Thomas was very excited about EVERYTHING! We spent the night at their house even though we now live about 5 minutes from them. It's a tradition we started since Thomas was born and it's great fun! I buy everyone PJs (guys match, girls match and the kids match - very cute) I now have to find 8 pairs!
I'm not sure if you've heard but Adam and Jacqueline are getting married in Sardinia, Italy next September 10th - we would love to have as much family join us as possible. So, if you have been thinking of taking a trip abroad - think Italy!
I hope to see you and the kids my next trip to Tacoma. I will be there probably in February and Lauren and the boys are going to come with me the first week of April.
Take care and much love, Debbie
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