Introducing: Riley Barnard
He's 4 months old and he is a King Charles Spaniel.....basically he's a mix breed between a King Charles Cavalier and a Cocker spaniel! Needless to say he is absolutely ADORABLE and a very good little boy! So far all is well...the cat (Smokey) is not so found of our new family member but is adjusting accordingly! Riley is doing GREAT! He's sleeping through the night in his kennel without any crying and has only had one little accident in the house....Yippee!!
I know, I know...we are crazy for getting a dog in the winter....but what can I say?! How can you ignore that face?! He's just what the doctor ordered to get us through these dark, rainy days!

Sucker! Just kidding...he is definitely cute and Noah can't wait to get his hands on little Riley! We'll be over in five minutes...okay ten so I don't get a speeding ticket!
Hey! How come I wasn't notified of such big family decisions!!!! Now we HAVE to come over again. Are you kidding? I can't even tell Lilly about the puppy until we are actually in the car on the way to your house. Because I wouldn't want to torture myself!
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