I thought I would list a few things about what the first day of school means for me:
1. The first year with BOTH of my kids in school FULL TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. The ability to clean the house and not have it messed up within 10min.
3. The ability to go shopping without CONSTANT complaining
4. Having time just for me ..... I mean more than 1 day in a row .....it's been a long 10 year wait.... my mind can't even grasp what to do with that much time! But I'm happy for the challenge.... ;)
I keep joking with Todd ...." Ohh ... bon bons and People Magazine here I come!!!!"

Now don't get me wrong...there is a very big part of me that feels soo weird that a part of my children's life is now over. I will no longer have kiddos at home with me (except for sick days and holidays).... and I just know that with them at school full time .... life will seem like it is FLYING by. I mean Jake is 10! I only get him at home another 8 years ..... WOW.... I can't even think about it.
Anyway Happy First Day of school to all of you!