OK I'll do it...!!!!
I have been tagged by both Heather and Tiffany to write 8 random things about myself. It seems to be kind of a game and I am to tag 8 new people. I'm pretty sure I don't know 8 people who read this blog but here goes anyway!
1. Anyone who knows me very well knows that I have a passion for
real estate! I LOVE to go on line and look at houses for sale. I even find myself driving around picking up
flyer's all the time. My kids hate that part :}.
I've made the comment several times that in my "other life" I was a
real estate agent. I don't know...maybe someday!
2. I love camping, hiking, and ANY water sports. I love the water....it is
sooo peaceful to me. And walking through a forest with tall trees and lots of ferns
ect. brings pure peace to my soul.
3. My dream vacation at this point in my life would be a two week cruise through all of the
Caribbean Islands...or any tropical islands! It would include
lot's of snorkeling and scuba diving side trips and many, many spa treatments!
Ahhh..... dreams! :)
3. I am NOT good at returning people's phone calls. I find that I simply don't have the time to sit and talk with people. When my family is home they
completely demand my attention at all times. I have learned that if I do call people back when they are home I am interrupted all of the time...so talking on the phone is not fun for me!
4. I LOVE to buy things for my home...but HATE to shop for clothes for me...mostly it's the size I hate to buy...but let's be honest I've had to buy this size for the last 10 years.....it's not going anywhere too soon :(
5. I am a Labor and Delivery nurse at Emanuel Hospital on night shift ..... and I have decided that I like working night shift over
any other shift! Who knew?!!!
6. I saw my husband for the first time in the cafeteria at University of Portland (while I was dating another person) and thought to myself "Now that's the guy I should marry". We met for the first time about 1 month later, and we got married two years after that! Crazy!!!
7. I Hate to cook. There. I said it. I hate buying the ingredients...I hate the mess... and I hate having to do all the dishes. I feel like it takes so much effort to come up with something that my family will devour in 10-15 minutes.
8. I know for a fact that my husband and I will NOT retire in the Northwest. It will either be Southern California,
Phoenix, or Florida. You can bet on that! :)
There it is 8 random things about me and my life! I am supposed to tag people now. Most of who I will tag don't have blogs...but don't worry... they are easy to start and this might be the thing that gets you going! So Blog Away.... Louise, Amy, Kara, Mom, Heather Clarke, and Amy
Meiers!!! Hope to see some blogs soon!